Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨

Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


Joined on 6/14/05

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RiverJordan's News

Posted by RiverJordan - August 8th, 2012

One of the things i've been putting most of my time into lately has been studying Sacred Geometry. I have a few videos about it now, and the latest one "Spirit Science - Universal Geometry" just came out, and won Daily 2nd Place! Thank you Newgrounds!!

For those who are new to the topic - Sacred Geometry is the geometry of the universe. It's the Physics of Ancient Greece and Egypt (and perhaps even Atlantis). It's how the molecules, atoms, and other particles, as well as stars, planets, galaxies, and universes (if universe is 1 (uni), then i guess what were really talking about is the Multiverses!). I don't know if all of the multiverse works on the same geometry that we do, from my understanding, its all consciousness, but all laws of creation and evolution are subject to change, are they not?

The response from everyone on here has been getting more and more positive in the last year. I'll admit, there was a LOT of negativity at first, yet every week more and more people are coming back and saying how much they're enjoying the exploration into the quantum and mysterious world, and opening up the discussion in their own lives. This is very exciting for me to see, and i want to say thank you to everyone who has inspired me to keep making them by being friendly and awesome sentient beings!

Go check out the latest video! And thank you again :) Next week: More Geometry! (And then some other stuff too!)

Posted by RiverJordan - July 30th, 2012

First and foremost, here's the latest Spirit Science, which is based off of a frequently asked question from the mailbag. I'm in a space to create now too, so i'm able to put together a good collection of new videos over the next month or 2. (For those who don't know, i've been traveling around North America & Australia for the past 9 months, so i haven't produced very many videos.)

Next, does anybody remember Jeremy Bongstarr?

This was a game that Bryan Synge, Myself, and two other awesome cats named Rutger and fourswordsking put together for the first ever Newgrounds Game Jam! This was in the summer of 2010, and really turned out awesome. The game itself won 1st place, although there were many shortcomings with it that we wanted to expand upon.

Things such as little bosses and enemies to fight, a puzzle, and just ... "more".

I have all of the art that we compiled for the game, and i would love to try and put together either an expanded version of the game, or an iPad/App version of the game... or both! The programmer and other members have said i have permission to put this together without them, and I'd like to give it a shot.

If there's any programmers out there who would be interested in taking part in a project like this, send me a message and we'll talk.

Peace :)

Spirit Science & a game.

Posted by RiverJordan - June 4th, 2012

Hey there Newgrounds! How's everybody doing today? We just had a lunar eclipse, which marks a transitional period in our consciousness between the solar eclipse which was 2 weeks ago. Most people i've talked to have been experiencing a LOT of intensity in their own lives these past 2 weeks, did you also have some intense experiences?

It's only suitable for our video about the 2012 shift to come out today as well! So go check out Spirit Science 16 - The Shift of Ages on Newgrounds now :)

I'd also like to extend to all of you awesome artist on Newgrounds an opportunity! Were looking for guest artists to help produce more Spirit Science videos faster than ever before! I know this is the perfect place to ask around, so if you have an interest in helping out doing some art for Spirit Science, send me a PM or an email at thelightcouncil@gmail.com

Hope to hear from you, and have a beautiful day :)
Jordan SpiritPatch

Spirit Science 2012 and Guest Art

Posted by RiverJordan - May 1st, 2012

New Spirit Science is out! Booyah! <3

This week were talking about breathing and the heart and its toroidal field of energy that it has around it, although we'll get MORE into that particular energy field at a later point in time ;) Light, Love and Happiness are our goals, and today we get to the core of how to feel good within your self and letting go of all of those pesky daily worries and self-confidence issues that we hold onto from a young age. Everyone has their own problems they bottle up, but we can choose to let them go if we desire it so.

Enjoy! and Farewell!

The Power of the <3

Posted by RiverJordan - April 23rd, 2012

Hey everyone! Haven't made a post on here in a while, but i'm absolutely loving the new NG layout! I tip my hat to the whole NG crew and everyone else who's helped bring this site to where it is, and where it's going! Everything is beautiful! <3

I'll start my post with a PARABLE! This is the final Patch Parable that i recorded with Vanessa (She-Patch) and now up on Newgrounds just for you to enjoy!

I also wanted to share something that was shared with me recently, which is a technique for helping out with stress, tension, and getting into a more relaxed, calm and happy state of mind, body and soul. School/work being depressing, boring, or just weighing you down and making it hard to enjoy things?

Most people don't realize it but all of the stress they FEEL works through not just the emotional or mental bodies, but also the physical body too, and so we get giant clumps of tension in our back, neck, feet, hands, and jaw...especially jaw.

We can work through the stress emotionally or mentally and it can help get rid of the tension physically, but usually its way easier to just stretch the physical tension out and feel the stress go away in the other areas of your self. The thing to remember is that you are creating the stress within yourself, even if there are external factors in creating the stress. If you were in a more relaxed state, the things that "cause you stress" wouldn't have an affect on you, and you could tackle them with ease.

Lets start with this. <--- This is a very short 2-page pdf with neck and shoulder self-massages you can do. Your basically just squeezing certain parts of your neck or head and allowing yourself to relax, and ultimately squeezing the tension and pressure out. Makes you feel wonderful too :)

The Jaw holds about 80% of the tension in the body, you may notice that when your particular agitated you clench your jaw or hold your teeth together really tight. By massaging your jaw muscles (which will probably be really tight at first), you can alleviate a LOT of tension in your body, it may take a while and also could hurt a bit (you'll probably have to press VERY firmly with this one), but it'll really get rid of a LOT of tension.

Also, just stretching in general is really good, because you can still stretch out all of the tension everywhere else and your body can relax more. the more your body can let go of tension, so can your emotional and mental states.

Finally, Your breath is intimately tied to your heartrate, and when you become stressed, your heart fluctuates chaotically and your breath lessens or does weird things too if you're not consciously focusing on it. A good way to get rid of these feelings is to take a step back from EVERYTHING, and allow yourself to (mentally and emotionally) zone into a state where none of it matters. Even if it only lasts for 10-15 seconds or so. Just completely forget about everything for that time and focus on your breath, breathing reaaaaally deep, nice and slow, and then exhale and let everything go. Feel as if you're breathing all of the tension and all of the worry into your lungs, and as you exhale, you let everything go. and allow your whole body to relax. You want to allow yourself to get back into the harmonic heartbeat with yourself, so that you are calm and collected, and better for handling whatever task it is in front of you.

There's gonna be a spirit science about the Heart in about a week or so, which will go into more detail about that too. The Institute of Heartmath has done some awesome work in showing scientifically how intense of a role the heart plays in everything. Here's a Free PDF.

Well, that's all for this week. See ya! <3

New Parable and some Stress Relief

Posted by RiverJordan - January 9th, 2012

Spirit Science 13_1 is out, and we are back to doing weekly Spirit Science! The next several episodes will be dedicated to talking about crystals, and after that we can break out into some real trippy stuff! :D

Also, if you haven't seen The Atlantis King, he is the new animated Character who is now making regular appearances in Patch Parables and Spirit Science. Here's a video he has done, and I am actually in Australia right now living at his house with him :P Were gonna go questing together!

Posted by RiverJordan - November 28th, 2011

I like making new series it seems...

Either way, I've been nomadding around the states in the last 4 or 5 months and it's been an absolute blast. Currently I'm stationed in New Jersey, and heading to Asheville soon. After that, I'm not sure what's going on... possibly Australia.

At the place i've been lately, i've had a lot of extra time to get a bunch of old ideas out onto the computer, which is where my latest project comes out. Patch Parables! A new series exploring philosophies on life and ancient Buddhist parables and what not. It's not meant to be preachy, but rather just "This is an ancient philosophy on life which really resonated with me, what do you think?"

Take what resonates with you, and leave the rest behind :)


Patch Parables 1 - The Parable of the Sandcastles

The Spirit Science Website

Spirit Science Twitter

New Series - Patch Parables

Posted by RiverJordan - September 13th, 2011

Spirit Science really started on Newgrounds, so i feel obligated to keep the NG community up to date on what's going on with it!

Over the last 2 or 3 weeks we've been working quite diligently on a Spirit Science website, and tonight we actually launched it for all to see. I actually made a video blog 3 weeks ago talking about what my plans were WITH the spirit science site, and where i wanted to ultimately go with it. You can watch that video here.

So Version 1 of the site is live, and you can check it out here! and it's still of course a work in progress. Were gonna keep working on it and its going straight up from here!

Also, season 1 is available for purchase on DVD!

Posted by RiverJordan - September 3rd, 2011

It's a big week up over here on my travels! The first big news is that Spirit Science season 1 has come to an end with the dramatic conclusion. You can check it out here, and it's quite a nail biter!

With the conclusion of SS season 1 comes some new developments in the spirit science field, which starts with a Spirit Science website and ends with a Season 1 -3 Disc DVD Collectors set with tons of bonus videos! Stay tuned for updates related to that, as there should be information coming in about them in the next little while! :D

Secondly, and perhaps more exciting to you Newgrounders, comes a brand new flash game from the Development Team of Aethos Games, of which i am a part of.

Revert to Growth 2 is a crisp stunning puzzle platformer that puts you in the controls of Bot, the robot sent to collect light matter with the help of his planter-bot pal.

Knowing me of course, i've hidden tons of little references to sacred geometry within the art of the game itself! Go check it out and see how many you can find!

That's all for now folks, if you see Tom let him know to frontpage R2G2 ;)


Revert to Growth 2 and SS Season Finale!

Posted by RiverJordan - August 29th, 2011

Just a quick post to say SS12_5 is out. Will have a much larger update tonight or tomorrow, as the spirit science website goes live! :D

Spirit Science 12_5