Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨

Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


Joined on 6/14/05

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I learned quite a bit from those flashes. Thank you for making them :)

I learned more.

that was a fun one.

so im curious, what are your thoughts about this?
<a href="https://vimeo.com/33741794">https://vimeo.com/33741794</a>

Wowsy! That's actually amazing :D And our technology can only get better and better. One thing i've researched a bit on is the 'Sacred Space of the Heart', which is a space that manifests physically as a tiny place within the heart organ that if you touch it, you instantly die. It's also the space of internal creation, and you can move your full consciousness there and explore an internal world that you create within. (It's really intense, check out the book "Living in the Heart" by Drunvalo to learn more).

Regardless, i think that the physical heart is the 3rd dimensional manifestation of your hearts essence, but on a higher frequency the essence of your heart center is still in tune with your biology, and so the love essence can still channel down into your consciousness, but maybe not to the full extent that it would with the heart biology?... hmm

What i'm really curious about actually, is how the "continuous flow" device affects the brain-to-heart connections. Does the man actually find himself less stressed because his heart can't go into a panic when something intense happens? Or maybe it's the first step of actually "feeling less" too, maybe his emotional systems becomes dampened because of the lack of the heart organ.... Haha, if we keep doing this to ourselves were going to become like the borg!

There's a lot more i could write about, although i'll leave it for now before it gets too long ;) I feel that there's nothing wrong with doing something like this in this time, although what i do want to help people learn (and learn more about myself) is how we can heal ourselves without needing to replace organs with technological ones, and become an incredibly healthy society without the need for such things. But hey, maybe were not there yet, so were free to do as we will while we explore everything further! <3

Yah I really hope they study and document this mans every move. I also believe our pulse is something that connects us to this planet, thats full of pulses in the form of tides, and seasons, etc. Im also a firm believer that portions of our memories are stored in the heart as well as possibly other parts of our body. So I wonder if, there were urges or routines he no longer does or even possibly develop new ones . Also could the consistent flow of blood to the brain possibly strengthen it ? and as you said, could he ever feel exhilaration?

The heart connects everyone and everything through the vibrations of love, and the brain is a powerful tool but also a form of duality and separate from the "divine unity consciousness". I've been reading some material about the alien species called the Greys (the little grey ones that were so familiar with), that talks about how in their evolution they became disconnected from their hearts and ran around doing whatever they wanted even though they were hurting other species and each other over a long period of time (much like the martian story from the Atlantis videos, whether or not its true, its the same principle).

What you said about flow of blood to the brain resonates with me. I'll bet that installing an artificial heart would heighten ones intellect and brain functions, but lessen the universal connection to others, so you would continue "seeing" through the brain and possibly become like the greys :P Or at least begin tipping in that direction in this lifetime ;)

Like all other SS videos, I found this one to be quite enlightening. I was surprised to find out that we take the form of a terroidal field at first. Keep up the awesome stuff.

What always confused me is how the actual appearance of the heart is disgusting and a thing of horror. In fact the same holds true for most or all things in the body, or any body of any species. Come to think of it most things are pretty ugly. At least the average human design is somewhere in between ugly and decent, though most of the time it too is pretty ugly.
Fucked universe. Not much in life is beautiful and only the unliving elements around us are appealing, such as the sky, planets and stars.
What you say? Those are alive too? Why are they there and I am here? The sun is deadly, Earth (and the things on it) is a hostile bitch that wants me dead, and I would die if I traveled a few miles up or less than a mile under the sea. Not that I was even born with the physical capability to reach such places.
Fucked universe.

Dude like all of your ss (or how to call them right - idk, i mean your animations with deep content) it's always hard to listen and understand when you are not a native speaker (like me) but i am trying my best, and it still interesting stuff to listen and think about it.
For today i didn't saw all of them, because i don't visited Newgrounds for a long time and a miss tons of great animations and games, but all of them are in my list to watch.
Thank you for making them, i will try to make a review under every one :)
P.s. sorry for my poor gramma :S

As i see you trying to merge science and concepts like soul, God, universe information field and other things like that.
You speak well, but as i see - vast majority of people who surround us - don't think about so hight and good things like about you are telling in your animations. Because they trying to survive each day, they don't enjoying own life.Because in nowadays, there so many problems and humans are too weak to fight back.
Also we get SO many information, that's it fill up brain of the most humans, we become smarter as our parents but not every human can control and use that ton's of information.
Unfortunately, all my trying to merge all good humans what i know is don't have any progress (maybe because i don't give all my time and possibility at that, because some times i am asking my self - who i am to do such stings, and is that have any sense)

Ok. Power of the <3
I think that's you shouldn't live by part of your body, because they can send you wrong wishing - like a bad emotions which one will make you angry - and that's will make you make some bad stuff and after a while that's will blaming yourself. (Or even good emotions sometimes can move you in wrong direction, unfortunately in our bad world every thing can happen and it can give you such a choice where or you make bad stuff to stay alive or good to die)

That's why i think that's you should know how to live properly and only your spirit/soul/consciousness, call as you wish, will show you a true way of living on that planet in that body.

But I'm not saying that what you have told it's a lie, it's only my opinion.
And i am agree that's you must be in harmony with your body and soul, and that's heart make it's own big deal in our life.

Anyway we can make interesting demagogy about such sort of things, but i am limited by my poor knowledge of that language.Take my apologise for the grammar.