Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨

Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


Joined on 6/14/05

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New Parable and some Stress Relief

Posted by RiverJordan - April 23rd, 2012

Hey everyone! Haven't made a post on here in a while, but i'm absolutely loving the new NG layout! I tip my hat to the whole NG crew and everyone else who's helped bring this site to where it is, and where it's going! Everything is beautiful! <3

I'll start my post with a PARABLE! This is the final Patch Parable that i recorded with Vanessa (She-Patch) and now up on Newgrounds just for you to enjoy!

I also wanted to share something that was shared with me recently, which is a technique for helping out with stress, tension, and getting into a more relaxed, calm and happy state of mind, body and soul. School/work being depressing, boring, or just weighing you down and making it hard to enjoy things?

Most people don't realize it but all of the stress they FEEL works through not just the emotional or mental bodies, but also the physical body too, and so we get giant clumps of tension in our back, neck, feet, hands, and jaw...especially jaw.

We can work through the stress emotionally or mentally and it can help get rid of the tension physically, but usually its way easier to just stretch the physical tension out and feel the stress go away in the other areas of your self. The thing to remember is that you are creating the stress within yourself, even if there are external factors in creating the stress. If you were in a more relaxed state, the things that "cause you stress" wouldn't have an affect on you, and you could tackle them with ease.

Lets start with this. <--- This is a very short 2-page pdf with neck and shoulder self-massages you can do. Your basically just squeezing certain parts of your neck or head and allowing yourself to relax, and ultimately squeezing the tension and pressure out. Makes you feel wonderful too :)

The Jaw holds about 80% of the tension in the body, you may notice that when your particular agitated you clench your jaw or hold your teeth together really tight. By massaging your jaw muscles (which will probably be really tight at first), you can alleviate a LOT of tension in your body, it may take a while and also could hurt a bit (you'll probably have to press VERY firmly with this one), but it'll really get rid of a LOT of tension.

Also, just stretching in general is really good, because you can still stretch out all of the tension everywhere else and your body can relax more. the more your body can let go of tension, so can your emotional and mental states.

Finally, Your breath is intimately tied to your heartrate, and when you become stressed, your heart fluctuates chaotically and your breath lessens or does weird things too if you're not consciously focusing on it. A good way to get rid of these feelings is to take a step back from EVERYTHING, and allow yourself to (mentally and emotionally) zone into a state where none of it matters. Even if it only lasts for 10-15 seconds or so. Just completely forget about everything for that time and focus on your breath, breathing reaaaaally deep, nice and slow, and then exhale and let everything go. Feel as if you're breathing all of the tension and all of the worry into your lungs, and as you exhale, you let everything go. and allow your whole body to relax. You want to allow yourself to get back into the harmonic heartbeat with yourself, so that you are calm and collected, and better for handling whatever task it is in front of you.

There's gonna be a spirit science about the Heart in about a week or so, which will go into more detail about that too. The Institute of Heartmath has done some awesome work in showing scientifically how intense of a role the heart plays in everything. Here's a Free PDF.

Well, that's all for this week. See ya! <3

New Parable and some Stress Relief


Nice flash. How relieved are you that NG finally has a video portal? I'm just thinking it'll be easier for you to submit large files that will be future episodes, and us viewers who don't have to go to youtube in order to replay a section in an episode that we didn't understand right away.

YEAHH! I love NG, everything here is so colourful and excellent! New SS coming very soon :)

dude These guys stole your whole edutainment animation angle
<a href="http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/kinect-di">http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/kinect-di </a> sconnect
If I were you id astral project my ass into their office all lawyered up, and sue

I'm getting a 404 error, but if you're linking to Extra Credits then they came first :P I was inspired by them! But if its someone else, i think its just a great idea in general and if more people educated through cartoons, then all the power to them! We wont get anywhere in this world by sueing, but by finding harmonic ways of working together instead ;)

So how'd the pyramid dedicated to the aliens go? Did they come down and grace you with their infinite knowledge on holy geometry?

I am actually under going Chemo Therapy atm and I have happened upon your video's. They are really insightful and entertaining to watch with an open mind. What would you recommend to help boost my overall chances of making it through with a much clearer mind and less painful body?

Focus on healing, and give love to yourself. In a sense, fill your cup to overflowing, give to yourself (emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically), and allow yourself first to FEEL good, and you can help your body facilitate its own healing capabilities, of which it has many.

Also, i recommend checking out the movie "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". It's about a guy who's fat, sick and nearly dead and goes on a pan-america juice fast tour and learns about the nature of eating healthy high-energy food and why everyone should do it :D

I dont get why people get so angry when faced with something they dont believe in. I love Jordans videos, Just Hit play and work while you listen, they have a soothing effect. I dont think he ever says anything he talks about should be taken as fact.


I have watched most of your videos now :3
Still got the others open in tabs, discovering you today was a great thing!

I myself have been learning about myself and finding these are true gems on Newgrounds!
You can really see the Ignorants in some people, but to them it is bliss. I can understand why people dont accept or appriciate what is really going on. But in the end, you cannot hide the Truth from the people. And now more than ever more people are awakening.

Good work brother!


Namaste brother! :D

I'm as huge fan of your series. Please check out my music. I'm naming my next mixtape "Spirit Science" lol Thanks a lot! <3