Hey there Newgrounds! How's everybody doing today? We just had a lunar eclipse, which marks a transitional period in our consciousness between the solar eclipse which was 2 weeks ago. Most people i've talked to have been experiencing a LOT of intensity in their own lives these past 2 weeks, did you also have some intense experiences?
It's only suitable for our video about the 2012 shift to come out today as well! So go check out Spirit Science 16 - The Shift of Ages on Newgrounds now :)
I'd also like to extend to all of you awesome artist on Newgrounds an opportunity! Were looking for guest artists to help produce more Spirit Science videos faster than ever before! I know this is the perfect place to ask around, so if you have an interest in helping out doing some art for Spirit Science, send me a PM or an email at thelightcouncil@gmail.com
Hope to hear from you, and have a beautiful day :)
Jordan SpiritPatch
<a href="http://imgur.com/CloyM">http://imgur.com/CloyM</a>
LOL!!!! THat's TOOO amazing! I have my own meme!! Lmfao!