Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨

Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


Joined on 6/14/05

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Awesome! Can't wait. Slight unfortunate timing as I have to head to class at the moment, but I will definitely watch it at some point today.

I loved it.

Brought tears in my eye.

have you read any books by silvia brown, the stuff she talkes about is similer to what your saying.

alsohave you thought about putting all of your work into a dvd, cuzz i would buy it.

please keep up the work you have enlightened me.

Sylvia Brown was already debunked by the greatest man alive, James Randi. Look him up, and enjoy having all the magic in the world destroyed by simple logic and experiment.

I think you should ask Tom to get SS it's own collection page.

You're still an idiot for beating this dead horse for this long. This stuff you are preaching is utter non-sense. You are only 20 years old, you have no idea how the world works. Yea, it is good to question, but it is not good to question, accept your thoughts as fact, and then shove them down everyones' throat via animation.

Maybe you will grow up some day, but for now, you are just a little kid enjoying your fantasy world a little too much.

Hey I'm not shoving anything down anyone's throats, the information is there if your interested, and if your not, why are you watching or bothering to complain about it?

As I said to someone else, when you compare the things JD talks about to the sheer fact that we exist, both consciously and as a flawless progressive entity in contrast to the destructive nature of reality around us, not only are JD's topics not nonsense, its comparatively sane. Think about it.
It doesn't take a perfect knowledge of sciences and physics, and any other knowledge trivial or human generated is purely irrelevant.
The information JD has is logically sound and fits with every aspect of our nature and the nature of existence.
Think about it.
Even if he hasn't got all the details straight, its a thousand times more precise and realistic than any other explanation to exist yet.

I'm believing this stuff more and more. I don't necessarily believe it, but it's taken root in my mind as a viable possibility, along with Ancient aliens theories and various weird explanations I've thought of over the years. It's kind of weird, though, because what you say here links in very tightly with those Ancient alien theories, and even one or two of my wacky ideas. It also explains quite a lot, as you said near the end of this episode. However, I doubt I will ever fully accept this stuff as "fact" until I astral project and perform a series of experiments to verify that it isn't just a very, very realistic conscious dream, if astral projection is possible at all.

Also, there's this really cool documentary from the History Channel (I think) called "The Quantum Activist," which explains this quantum physicist's radical idea: Reality is based on consciousness, not matter, which actually fixes every paradox in quantum physics. I would suggest it, to any of you (even skeptics), because it's really fascinating, even if you don't believe it. It can be found on Netflix.

Look, you really need to look at the world scientifically and rationally, it might be exciting to view the world like this, but it's just not rational.

As appealing as it might be to believe something like this, there's absolutely no evidence to support it, and if you can't find supporting evidence, there's no real reason to deem it credible.

You're my age, and you're wrapped up in something that is only going to damage your credibility, your social standing, and the way other people view you.

Please, for your own sake listen to logic and reason, then you can learn to enjoy life and not be caught up in this unscientific, unverifiable, nonsense.

What are you talking about? When you do the science behind the spiritual, this story actually DOES make quite a bit of sense. To me, rational is looking at both the left brain AND the right brain sides of it, because otherwise your getting an incomplete picture. The spirit science doesn't lie, and consciousness is the key!

Congratulations on sticking with this series to the end and for receiving the Daily Feature award. Not too many finish these types of projects. You know what I think of the series and I still maintain that view so I won't reiterate it.

You kept a good composure and were well mannered throughout the whole thing in spite of many scathing reviews some of which were an embarrassment to any truly rational person. Some of the people that criticized you seemingly don't know the first thing about logic or even what rationality encompasses. In any case, while my view of the series has not changed I hope that the stories and speculation in it got people to go out and study philosophy and science at some point. Or at least to ask questions. Which I believe is what you want too.

Everyone who reviews your flashes only state whether they believe you or not, and don't review the flash at all.

You have some good voice acting, visual aids, and other things that get ignored.

I don't necessarily believe this theory, but it would make a cool possibility.

Why do some people have to be so rude to you?
You just simply have a viewpoint that isn't common(although it'd be awesome if it were) and they can't respect that? I mean c'mon.

Your series is great. Can't wait for Spirit Quest!

:D u finaly woke me up my whole life ive been wondering things about me the world the sprit ect u finaly gave me some answers most about myself now im trying to control my problems i once thought were mental and a total curse but after your male and female animation i finaly understand why im like this and i know im gettin kinda persistant thats just the way i am :P yet i still have more problems im learning to fix your videos really opened my eyes thx broski :D

Its hilarious to think that, according to what you've explained, when millions of people watch Family Guy every day, there's a parallel reality spawning millions Peter Griffins everwhere.
Heheheheheheh. Sweeeet.