Spirit Science 13_1 is out, and we are back to doing weekly Spirit Science! The next several episodes will be dedicated to talking about crystals, and after that we can break out into some real trippy stuff! :D
Also, if you haven't seen The Atlantis King, he is the new animated Character who is now making regular appearances in Patch Parables and Spirit Science. Here's a video he has done, and I am actually in Australia right now living at his house with him :P Were gonna go questing together!
Even with only 1 terms worth of A-level psychology i know that video misrepresents studies. 7/+-2 chunks of information is an estimate for the capacity of short term memory in the mutli-store-model of memory and isn't an anything to do with how much information we can sense or experience. As usual you and your accomplices work is misinformation and psuedo science quoting whatever random studies you can find that you think furthers your agenda. I gave your flash a 0.
That's cool. I'm not here to tell you what to believe, but just to open people up to an alternate perspective that modern society refuses to acknowledge. Truth is, i've experienced a lot through working with crystals, and my studies on them have shown to me that there is more to them than meets the eye at first glance.
You can pick out one thing and decide to hate on the video because of your one disagreeance, but ultimately i feel if you do that you're missing the bigger picture of what i'm trying to discuss.