Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨

Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


Joined on 6/14/05

Exp Points:
3,783 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.09 votes
Art Scouts
Safety Patrol
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

RiverJordan's News

Posted by RiverJordan - September 10th, 2010

This is the first big announcement for the new game Mother Judgement - "Nun with Guns". It's a game that Xeptic wanted me to post about, so i am!

Coded by Xeptic, Drawed by me, and Music by Ockeroid! It should be out in the next few months, probably another 2 weeks of work and then the whole "getting a sponsor" dealio.

I'll make a trailer soon too, but in the meantime, here's the main menu to get you psyched.

Aaaaand a screenshot ;)

Game announcement: Mother Judgement

Posted by RiverJordan - August 30th, 2010

I'm starting to dislike this whole "If you're going to do something, do it right the first thing" thing, cause I keep doing things wrong the first time haha.

Here's a scene from Exile 1 I'm working on. Unfortunately, I only realized recently that I have to redo a bunch of it! Ack!

The cause for the redo is because I feel the mood is ruined when the characters aren't panting from the intense fight, it's like..super casual dialogue with actiony-actions... it just looks odd hey?

Anyways, has this ever happened to anyone? Like, big changes JUST to get it perfect cuz you didn't think about what you were doing when you started?

My dump upload just finished, which i was waiting for while writing this... imma go now, see ye!

shameless Twitter plug

Oh, and I updated my blog thing today

Something I'm working on

Posted by RiverJordan - August 5th, 2010

Fuckin hate games, here's why.

You get an idea for a cool game, you do some art for it, it turns out pretty slick and then you do some more, and find coder.

Coder gets found, you guys tag-team the game for a week and then you get bored.

And then for the next 2 years you continually say "Oh yeaaah, i'm working on a game with this awesome coder" and then eventually it gets lost in the fabric of space and time.

For those participating in that Animator Trivia Challenge thing, I'm gonna update it soon..

Inception is sexy, and the new Futurama was awesome.

Posted by RiverJordan - July 19th, 2010

If you go onto the Flash Portal right now, you'll see loads of movies that are "My first submission!" type movies, or movies that just don't do as well because the animator is just learning! I want everyone who reads this to go to the Flash Portal, find JUST ONE of those movies and watch it! (Or a game too, games work)

When you're done watching, leave a nice review. A lot of these toons/games could be made by the kids who will one day rule NG with their great content in like 5 years or whatever, and I'm sure reading a nice review telling them that they have potential really inspires them and makes them want to come back to newgrounds and keep making great stuff. It takes 5 minutes out of your day and i KNOW if you're on NG you're not super busy anyways.

Go make someone's day a nice one! I dunno, I think it'd be nice :P Maybe throw in some dick jokes while you're there if you must.

Also, i want to thank everyone who participated in the NG Game Jam! As well as everyone who voted for Jeremy Bongstarr which just won best game of the Jam! Means a lot and thanks Tom Fulp for frontpaging it too :) GO PLAY IT HERE!

I documented the entire process we went through making Jeremy Bongstarr here, go read it if you're interested!

Spread the Newgrounds Love!

Posted by RiverJordan - July 10th, 2010

EDIT: The game jam is over and we successfuly created Jeremy Bongstarr! Go try it out!

happy robot day! i'll be busting my ass doing art for the game jam, so expect another submission by me and a few guys...tomorrow! Pce.


Go watch my Robot Day cartoon!

Robot Ensues!

Robot day toon + game jam

Posted by RiverJordan - July 1st, 2010

I made a video of me rambling while i worked on a random scene. I'm considering doing more too, but I would like to hear some feedback first from YOU PEOPLE! :D

/* */
So was this an idea fail or a cool start to some kind of "Watch me animate shit" series?

Perhaps i'll also take "how to animate ______ requests" ..? i dunno :/

Posted by RiverJordan - June 24th, 2010

That facebook chat below! Its totally going down.



Robot day-Patchman Teaser


Expect it!

Posted by RiverJordan - June 16th, 2010

Last night i got a lolsy idea for a patchman toon that featured a robot, some kart racing, national geographic and knives! The best part is, a NEW CHARACTER is introduced into the Patchman's world, its someone i've been wanting to bring in for a while now: The Patch-Rival! Now Patchman can have an enemy!

So... HOPEFULLY if i have enough time i'll be able to finish it for Robot day... and .. yeah..

If you have no idea WTF i'm talking about, click here

For those who care, you can also:

Follow Patchman's facebook, i'm getting into the habit of posting more often.
Follow me on Twitter, I also have been posting random junk regularly
Check out my magical Devblog! It's mostly Exile related stuff, but i post whatever there too :)

That's about it, here's some epic Kart-Action without the back of the kart or a background!

Herez sumfin noo!

Posted by RiverJordan - June 9th, 2010

For those who are interested, I've cut together yet another meetup video, this time with more drunk-ness than EVER BEFORE!

/* */
Apologies for low video quality at some point, it was dark and apparently my camera sucks balls, and final cut had a problem reading my files i had to convert it to some other thing to get audio..yeah it was a mess. I'm getting a better camera before the next meet!

Now that i've grabbed your attention:
My DevBlog

Here's Rig and I with our pearly whites...and yellows :P

Newgrounds Meet Video

Posted by RiverJordan - June 1st, 2010

Last weekend I attended a local meet-up called "The Independent Game Jam" (Or TIGJam for short) where indie-game developers from all over north America came to just hang out and make games together. Hosted by Alec Holowka (of infinite ammo, responsible for Aquaria) It was incredible seeing all of the local developers and meeting all these people who flew in from the states. People like AdamAtomic (Creator of Flixel and Canabalt) was there, as well as Jamie Swirsky, the Filmmaker behind IndieGame: The movie. The coolest part about that was learning that Jamie was local to Winnipeg!

-On a side note, Jamie and I actually discussed Exile for at least an hour, or what felt like two..i'm not too sure, and he really gave me some crazy ideas for what to do with the series in terms of marketing. Thanks to him i have a redesigned DevBlog where i've been posting LOADS of info on current events and progression of the series, as well as a Twitter account. I've learned twitter isn't so bad..-

You can check out all of the pictures from TIGJam right here

Next week is the Newgrounds Montreal Meetup! CrazyChihuahua and I are heading out there together to hang out with all of the montreal regs...and Luis. I'm pretty excited to hang out with Evil-Dog actually, we met in Baltimore and are now making a game together. I can tell you now, its gonna be SIIIIICK!

Thaaat's about it, here's a pic of about half of us in the studio showing off our games on a sexy projection screen.

TIGJam wrap up/Pictures!