Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨

Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


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Human History in Review

Posted by RiverJordan - November 20th, 2013

It’s been 2 years since i sat down to animate the Human History Movie… in fact, originally it wasn’t even a movie. It started as a 5 part SS lesson, each week going further into the story.

The ending of the 5th video coincided with the start of my journey around the world, a pretty good end to a season finale, if i do say so myself.

It wasn’t until maybe 8 months later when my friend Andrew Golden downloaded all of the Human History videos, and edited them together into a full length movie! Which is seriously amazing, it’s because of him that the movie even exists, and to this day i can’t thank him enough.

Now, despite the HH Movie being the most popular video by far, it is also the most controversial. Never before have i seen so many mixed comments, everywhere from “This is the most amazing, mind blowing video i’ve ever seen!!” all the way to “This is the biggest load of pseudoscience garbage that ever walked the face of the planet”… and everything in-between.

The magic of this particular movie, i think, is that it opens up a discussion about the way things are on this planet, and a story to go along with it that demonstrates One possibility among many, which is vastly different than the ones that we’ve been told in schools.

Besides the fact that the story does seem so far removed from what we know today, it serves a purpose engaging everyone with a sense of magic and wonder for our own species.

Regardless of all of the details, the picture that it paints is a dramatic, engaging story about a civilization on the brink of despair, and in its final moments, uses it’s technology and awareness to shift back to a more primitive state of being, and forced to grow in its awareness back to full strength over the course of several thousand years.

When you then place that story overtop of our own world right now, it gives you a sense that you are here on this planet now for a bigger purpose than to flip burgers for 5$ an hour, or punch papers in a skyscraper in some polluted city.

That’s the most important part of what makes this movie great. It’s the sense that you are a part of something so much bigger than you realize. All of us are. If we step outside the bubble of what modern society (we) has set up for ourselves, we can begin to actually shift our life into a direction that is going to create a powerful movement for everyone around us, and ourselves.

There’s plenty of the Human History movie that i still agree with today, and there’s plenty that i find today i simply do not, from the perspective that - with more information, my understanding changed.

The details are the details, and they’re not important. Who cares if Thoth was a priest king of atlantis or a scribe in egypt. Maybe he was both, maybe he was neither. There are a lot of questions brought up from watching this video which simply do not have answers yet, and likewise, there are plenty that do.

And regardless, today - i still believe our history is not what we think. I don’t think its as cut and dry as “We evolved from monkeys, the end”, nor do i believe it’s as simple as “God made everyone in a Poof, the end!”.

This is the most important thing of all - regardless of what story that you subscribe to, the Atlantis Story, the “Evolved from Apes the end” story, stories from the bible, stories from other ancient books or anything like that…. we have to remember that they are in fact just stories.

And stories are not happening right now.

Stories can be used to bring about a greater sense of awareness of the present moment, they can be used to analyze the past and explain things to give us new information in the present. But the past is the past, and a story is simply a story.

What’s happening right now is the most important thing, because right now is where the power is. Right now is where the magic is. Right now is where you can actually do something to change the world, and make the world a better place.

That’s why i say not to get caught up in all the details. They’re fun and exciting and interesting to talk about, but at the end of the day, the real power lies in being able to take what you learned and apply it to something real, to make a real difference in the world around you.

Speaking of which…

If reading into our ancient history is tickling your fancy, and you want to really dive into some amazing reading on the subjects, i’ve got 3 books to recommend for you that i think you’ll love.

The first, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. You’ve probably seen me recommending this book everywhere, and for good reason. A large part of the Human History Movie was based off this book, and the information therein is amazing.

The second, The Twelfth Planet. This is a book which dives deep into the Sumerian Tablets, the ones referenced at the beginning of the HH Movie. If you’d like to get into some crazy stuff, about human history and aliens and stuff like that… well, this is a book for you!

The third is called “Fingerprints of the Gods”. This is a book all about an exploration and archaeological expeditions into our ancient past. Looking at many ancient sites and remnants of ancient cultures, Graham Hancock dives deep into just how amazing our ancestors were, and what information and technology they may have had that we today can’t even imagine possible.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog!

All my love,

Human History in Review



Don't really have anything to say, just posting to mention I read the blog! Oh, and is this the same Human History movie that was posted in segments back in 2011? Great work.

thank you for making that movie!
much love!

Just loving them :)

I was wondering if you would ever comment here, it appears that you made the first post, wth man :)

I'ma turn Thoth into a rotisserie.