Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨

Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


Joined on 6/14/05

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Here's what's up!

Posted by RiverJordan - August 9th, 2011

So tomorrow is the big day, off to California. While i'm out here i'm still gonna be working on SS, but im not gonna lie, i haven't even really started 12_5 (outside the script) so it will probably be another 2 weeks from now or so. It'll be up when its up really :) I'll still be posting videos but just on Youtube, in videoblog style, rather than animated toons.

Saw a UFO last night, it was cool. Like a bright ball of light slowly moving across the sky.



you saw that too?
im in Manitoba..where you at?

I was in selkirk at the time

"I will wait till the day Father Time dies of old age and still wait...What you do is a masterpiece...and a Masterpiece is always worth the wait..."I once meditated to the point where I saw a portrait of an old man with a cane. He seemed happy from a far but as I went closer I seemed more...sad...I came even closer to find that he was mad...He seemed to have been in a battle at one point...A battle that is to begin again...Let it be today let it be tomorrow...But when it comes you better be ready...Cause when it does come survival would be the least of your worries...

Anyway...I think you deserve a break cause you made spirit science weekly...Shows a lot about your character...It's sad that in this world money is a major issue...Anyway can't wait for the next video

Thanks Shawzalb!

Dude, I really appriciate whaat you're doing.
It also clears up a thing or two for next year's december.
As soon as my paycheck rolls in, I'll donate some cash!

Keep up the good work!

Kewl! Thanks Leddah! :D

You definitely deserve a break. This is all superbly interesting. keep it up!

Also, it would be super awesome if you give as many sources as you can (if you aren't already)
For instance, i'd like to know where you got your info on our dealings with "the greys" that you mentioned. thanks!

Well, theres links at the end of every episode and also in the comments :P Check those out!

You never addressed:
What happened to the Martians after the fall.
The Lucifer genesis pattern.
What the hell the greys/Martians even looked like.

Im not done the series yet :P

If you just look up at the sky you'll see those ufos, it's amazing how nobody is talking about them.

Oh additionally...
You say we lost our mirkava during the crisis 13,000 years ago, which was the one thing protecting us, and that's why our brains were wiped clean when the polar shift happened. Thus we lost all of our higher level abilities and dropped to level 1. Yet, we still do not have a mirkava. When the polar shift happens again, wouldn't we suffer the exact same thing? We'll be wiped clean and drop back to level 1. Again. And what's with that ascended guy you talked about who claimed "he missed living here". Fuck, how much must the afterlife suck if he actually wants to come back??

We all DO have merkaba's, but they are lying dormant until that time when we activate them. Everything has a merkaba.

Also, you don't quite understand the difference between existing WITH a body, and existing WITHOUT a body. Do some research on death and reincarnation and possibly channeling.

Hey Jordan, not sure if you got this PM; wasn't showing on my sentbox...

Thanks for this, Jordan. A lot of info there, so it'll take a while to absorb it all. Still disappointing, though, that there are higher level, much more evolved, civilizations that still express our base negative traits such as greed, malice, and the yearning for power and control (presumably as a result of fear). That implies that even after we ascend to the next level (3 DNA strands, or whatever), that we will still need to contend with these dynamics in our society. So it may be the case that we would have to ascend Another 6 or 8 levels before we become truly selfless beings, one with the universe. Again, how scary is it that some of these malevolent races can presumably alter/manipulate the very fabric of space-time (having presumably acheived warp speed) and still wish ill will towards others? And we thought the atom bomb was scary, huh? With their level of evolution, they could probably make our heads explode with a single thought from like 3 miles away. In my books, that makes them the boss. heheh, like whatever you say man; you tell me to build you a huge statue in your image, I say how high? Just please don't make my head explode with the power of your mind. It's like Army of Darkness; if we were to go back to the Middle Ages with a WalMart shotgun, guess what? We're the man, because we yield the holy BOOMSTICK! I mean, what the heck are we to them anyways??? Like this one Japanese physicist/philosopher was saying, to higher level civilizations, we're like ants to them; what on earth would we do with ants?? They don't even make good pets, let alone slaves to serve us; they're just boring. Anyways, that's the extent of my understanding right now; still can't make sense of anything as of yet.

Right! They're basically using us for food, our source energy, because they have disconnected from the source and cannot attain it on their own.

hello i would love to buy a shirt but i live in arizona and i cant get it from there and i would donate cause im a big fan of your videos espicaly spirit sicence but i dont have much money and i live very very far away

Hey, this is a very interesting series i must say. So i have a question or two...
When that circle thats like, 25000 yrs or something repeats, is it similar to the previous one or is it completley different? And I f they are the same, when would the approx. date be when one person finally acheives such a high lvl of concousness? And what if that person has darker interests and uses his powers for himself?

i saw the same streak. Along with a few other streaks, i was skinny dipping at the time, so yea.. i basically mooned an alien race.

You saw a UFO. I don't.... I don't even know what to say to that. I'm somewhere in between shock, disbelief, and why the hell isn't this in the news? Are you sure it wasn't a shooting star? 'Ball of light moving across the sky' sounds exactly like a shooting star.

Anyways... have fun in California.

Really? There are over 1000 UFO sightings every month :P The media doesn't give it any attention at all, but yeah...that shit's real.

so are going to suffer the same memory loss next polar shift sense no1 has reached christ consciousness yet

You have some nice informative flash.

UFOs aren't ever in the news because people have been reporting sightings for over half a century now, and no one has gotten any real evidence that they exist. Speaking of UFOs, what do you think they are, Jordan?