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Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


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Human History 1!

Posted by RiverJordan - July 11th, 2011

Spirit Science 12 - Human History

When i first started learning about the science of spirit and sacred geometry, i was really fascinated by the human history story. There's tons of different ancient texts and channelings that tell us a story of what happened to us over 13,000 years ago. Problem is, modern science wont accept any of it, because it doesn't fit in with our current understanding of what we think we know about ourselves.

So i'm not saying this is fact or anything, I am merely telling the story that Thoth and the Sumerian records have told us, and letting you decide for yourself. If this doesn't fit in with your current understanding of human history, and you don't want to believe it, you don't have to. It's up to you! Enjoy!

Human History 1!



when will your character/s emote more? :c

Another fantastic video. By the way, when your researching stuff for Spirit Science, what do you call this kind of thing? Metaphysical? Subnormal? New Age? I just want to do some more research, and I'd like a good starting point.

Also, it's not a big inconvenience. It's very minor. We got to watch the video, didn't we?

A friend of mine says astral projecting is forbidden and might lead to possesion. What are your thoughts on this, and can you shed some light on why possesion "might" occur?

You can't be posessed, though a conscious being with low energy can attach itself to you if you yourself emit a lower energy and vibration. Feeding on your low vibrations.

You said @Nin10doh1997 that lower vibration beings can attach themselves to us if we emit lower vibrations feeding on it... What exactly does this mean and what would be the result? Would it cause us to become horribly depressed or something?

Depends what that energy they're feeding on, drawing what out of you. Could be a depression or a rage. It's unlikely though, often "addiction" gets formed out of it, but its rare and unlikely.

Just have to say, that this is fantastic. I have also been reading some mythological stories, that have much more detail and back story. Like the Greece Gods and Japanese Gods. There is so much left out from regular history books.

This picture should got to Art Portal too :) I really liked this part. Awesome shadows and colors on the continents.

About scientific methods: I suggest to read The Trouble with Physics by Lee Smolin. It isn't any spiritual, but Smolin points out lot of things about how science works. How a new theory gets attention, how scientist try to prove of disprove it, and how they accept it even if it seems wrong by now. So I really recommend it. It helped me understand lot of things about science (and a lot in particle physics, but that is an other story).

Hey!.. (just trying to drag some more attention) It's actually his first one and you definitely need to check it out >
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLa8MaE3STI&feature=fvwrel">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLa8Ma E3STI&feature=fvwrel</a>

Hey Jordan I just found your vids yesterday when you uploaded SS 12_1 and i decided to watch all of your videos so far and They are all really great. Also i downloaded the FoL books and i was confused on the Sanskrit poetry and Pi. I was wondering if you could shed some light on it. I've read the passage a few times now and i still don't understand how to apply Fig. 1.8 to Fig 1.7.

It would be really, really awesome if you could help :D

It's like japanese hiragana and katakana actually.

the first word is "GoPi" made of Go and Pi. Go = Ga (you'll notice that all of those sounds only apply to the "A" sound). Ga, Da, Ba, La. You can substitute the A for another vowel, just keeping the same first letter sound.

Go = Ga = 3
Pi = pa = 1
Bha = 4
Gya = ka = 1
Ma = 5

and so on :)

Oookey.. now stop being an asshole and send me a reply or something... and don't tell me that subtitles are too fast.. (talking about Mr Freeman if you still haven't noticed)

Hi there i have a question, a friend of mine says he has heard his higher selves, twice in two separate occasions but he somehow thinks that they might be wandering spirits trying to troll him. He says that one the first time he heard them they were telling him that his girlfriend that passed away was in fact a past life of his. He asked if he loved himself and as he says, litterally out of nowhere a loud clear voice sayed, "We sure do.". He also reports he saw a dragon in there somewhere. Then today he says he tried meditating again and kept hearing the 'higher selves' arguing about weather or not to ask me a question. He ignored them. Do you think they are really his higher selves or just spirits trolling him?

Has he tried asking 'are you my higher self?'

I'm reading a book about this right now called The Biggest Secret! It has pretty similar information to this episode and I'm amazed at the same conclusion so many people have had! I'm about to the real history of humans and show her the text from the sumerian tablets that have the same stories of the old testament in the bible to show her that christanity has been changed, and all religions come from one base one. Any ideas on how I should break the news?

Haha, just tell her from your heart, you'll say exactly what you need to

Sorry left out im revealing the infor to my mom :P

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OJu2bWVFd0&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OJu2b WVFd0&feature=related</a>
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