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Jordan River @RiverJordan

Age 33, Male


The Mystery School of Life


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The Keys of our Past

Posted by RiverJordan - May 16th, 2011

New spirit science out today, in it we talk about aliens and life on earth before recorded history. Go watch it if you want something to think about.

Lets just hope the world doesn't end next saturday, what with the rapture and all. The next spirit science will probably be the most important lesson for a long time.

The Keys of our Past


really interesting episode. Nice job man!

I'll always be a skeptic about most things not yet accepted by modern science, but I have to hand it to your philosophy. (belief system? religion? How would you describe it?) It's one of the few I've seen that actually sets a date for when its theories will be proven. Do you expect whatever happens on 12/21/12 to be the start of a gradual change or will it be like an overnight thing? I don't believe it yet, but it's still pretty interesting.

Also, I don't think I need to be a scientist to predict that 2012 will certainly be pretty chaotic whether or not the world suddenly changes... I expect a lot of very paranoid people.

Where do i begin...

The date 12, 21, 12 is actually the specific date of a much bigger window. The shift will be "sometime" in between 2007 and 2015, so you can't put a pin EXACTLY on it, but dec 12 is the best guess in terms of where we are on the precession of the equinox. The window itself is called "the end of time", and it was marked by a giant blue orb in the sky larger than the sun. In 2007, Comet Holmes (a routine comet) flew into our solar system and exploded, creating a giant blue orb in the sky larger than the sun.

Now, in various channelings i have heard that "2010 is the year of manefestation, 2011 is the year of activation, and 2012 is the year of transformation". In 2010 we manifested many things, good and bad. We completely re-created the cellphone and the computer (iphone/ipad), we also created the BP oil spill, and there's way more but those are just 3 examples. In 2011, were finding people are beginning to wake up, and see the chaos that's really taking place in the world. This is the year when many dirty politics are coming out into the forefront, and people are realizing that not all is what they seem. Not only that, but revolutions are rapidly spreading across the middle east. It's just the beginning.

In 2012, in my understanding, there will most likely be a global revolution of some kind. All of the world will unite in a way that seems unbelievable looking at our present state. I believe it will happen though, but ultimately its up to us.

Then, at the end of 2012, or possibly the beginning of 2013, (the Hopi tribes (mayan descendants) have placed the date at Feb 26th/2013..or sometime close to that), there will be a cataclysmic change. The north and south poles have been growing weaker and weaker. It's the reason the whales all beached themselves in the 90's, because they couldn't read the magnetics of the planet anymore. Their children evolved and fixed that problem. The magnetics, in a single day, will shut off. When this happens, the earth will stand still for a bit, and then the north and south pole will recallibrate itself at probably 90degrees. I don't know for sure, it could just flip and the north will become south, but my bets are on the 90 degrees from here.

From there, the earths crust will begin to move on its own, separating from the mantle of the planet. The crust will spin around on its own at random and eventually begin moving with the magnetics again, spinning in whatever way the new north and south poles are. There have been numerous attempts by scientists explaining this to the world, but every time NASA shuts them down.

When the crust is moving randomly on its own, this will cause earthquakes and natural disasters all over the world almost simultaneously. It will not be safe on the planet.

Now for the good news, you'll be fine. I realize this is probably the hardest part to understand about all of this, but there is absolutely nothing to fear about this shift. Whenever the poles shift, a consciousness shift takes place on the planet. This happened in Atlantis 13,000 years ago, and 26,000 years before that, and 39,000 years before that. Every time this shift takes place, we have either gone up, or dropped in consciousness. The last 2 times we dropped, and thats why right now were at a place where we only use 5% of our brains.

Now, "christ" is not actually just jesus's last name. It is also a level of consciousness. You might even say it's a dimension of consciousness. During the fall of atlantis, we set up the pyramids and the sphinx at very specific places on the earth, to help create a "christ consciousness grid". There are many electromagnetic grids around the planet, in fact, one for every species of life. Humans were on one, but because of the events in atlantis, our consciousness grid with us became weak and broken. Over the last 13,000 years, we've been essentially "developing" a new one, and only in the last 8 years or so we "birthed" a new one. Check out 'birthing of a new humanity" on youtube to hear about that.

Jesus was a dude from a higher dimension of consciousness. At the time, we didn't understand because it was our low point, but he tried to point us in the right direction. The "coming of christ" is actually the human race "coming" into a new state of being, which is in sync with the christ consciousness grid.

Aka: Dimensional Shift.

You know how Quantum physics can see the reality in 2 ways? There are ways like looking at atoms, but then there is a way of looking at everything in waves. Everything is a waveform. And just like music and light, there are 8 notes in an octave, and the 8th connects with the first note in the next octave. It works the same way as universe, essentially. We right now are living in the 3rd dimension of universe, and we will move into the 4th. Changing our waveforms. Waveform determines dimension.

Hope that clears things up ;)

interesting stuff man, i'll be sure to check out the next episodes as they come out.

And by the way, you ought to check out the lectures of Allan Wats if you haven't heard of him yet.

Ooo, i found a video on google video (didn't they shut that down?) with the "best of alan watts", will check it out :)

god help me i cant figure out if this is a joke or not!?

You decide.

Thanks for the thorough response, dude. Good stuff.

Glad to shed some light on that :)

..you removed me on FB again?!

I find it really cool that you're courageous enough to share your beliefs here on newgrounds where lots of people will tear it up. Keep doing what you're doing, you're an inspiration!

"... There have been numerous attempts by scientists explaining this to the world, but every time NASA shuts them down..."

Heh, project Blue Beam anyone?

Ahh, no no nothing like that.

Twice now though, the science community NOVA has done internet and televised broadcasts to talk about the polar shift. NASA shut it down the first time after about a week or 2, and the 2nd time NASA shut them down after 4 or 5 days. This actually happened, you can classify it as bluebeam if you want. But it's true.

I've always been intrested in the Human Race :)
This is a very exciting series!
Tell me more!
I Have ALWAYS thought religion was really just symbolization for something some one has been trying to tell us and im glad u think that too :)

Next week i'll show you what religion is symbolism of :)

"We only use 5% of our brains."
"2010 was manifestation...because of 'inventions' by Apple and an oil spill. Plus other stuff.[?]"
"Pole shifts are harmless[?]"
"Pole shifts shift consciousness[??]"

Based on what I saw in your flash and what I read in that response below, I can't say that you did a lot of research, or any at all.

Exactly where did you learn that we only use 5, or 10 percent of our brains? This has never, ever been proven. Are you saying that if I cut out the exact 90% of your brain that you don't use, that you could function normally? People who have a stroke may have a tiny part of their brain affected, which can lead to debilitating symptoms and disabilities.
If you want to start spouting unproven myths, I can bring in the Loch Ness monster and say that it disproves you because it came from space and created the pyramids, or that Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked aliens into existence and then killed them for fun.

Polar shift, as you referred to it, is a likely impossibility according to the laws of physics. If it was possible, It would kill 90% of the species on the planet, which some[!] scientists believe caused the first ice ages. You were probably referring to magnetic shift, which is a lot gentler and will simply mess with Geography students for years to come. Magnetic shift on a small scale happens daily.

How exactly did 2010 differ from years 2009, 2008, or 1999? I could argue that much more was "manifested" during the year 1970, and you couldn't disagree, because there's no clear measure of anything that you argue for. What is consciousness? How are you measuring it? If I have 5% consciousness and my neighbor has 10%, does that mean he enjoys things 2x as much? How is this measured? If you can't measure it, you can't quantify it using numbers.

Finally, you regard all these things you speak of, especially your "Dimensions of Consciousness" as if they form some sort of coherent whole as a belief system. All I see is lots of false information and a casual disparaging of facts that contradict anything that you say. Cherry-picking any idea that suits you and then bundling it up into a nice package is fine, if that's what you want to believe in. But passing it off as some sort of science or fact is not. This is pseudo-science and smacks of typical conspiracy theory thought to the highest degree.

We do only use 5-10% of our brains potential.

Polar shift is happening on 2012 or beginning of 2013, this is proven. You should do some research there. Yes it will cause an ice age on the planet, it's the cycle of nature.

2010 differed from the previous years because it was a different year. It was also just the beginning, the big stuff is happening this year and more importantly, next year.

Next lesson i'm going to explain spirit a bit more in depth.

Without proper knowledge, none of what i said will make sense. We have a long way to go in spirit science before we get to THAT. By the end, it will probably make more sense. Call it pseudo science if you wish, but it is what it is. And it's what i'm interested in talking about, and i'm going to keep on talking.

You also spoke of whales evolving according to magnetic shifts in the poles. This is wrong on two accounts. One, evolution is not a magic button that can cause drastic changes in just a few localized generations. The other is that magnetic change is a process that doesn't occur in day-to-day life.

Evolution, in its currently accepted form, is a theory that dictates that random mutations happen, and that the random mutations that are beneficial will help the individual survive in some way, which perpetuates the beneficial traits. Please enlighten me as to how specific mutations regarding navigation occurred within the space of one generation, and so soon after a large magnetic shift.

If such a huge magnetic shift occurred that "the whales in the 90's all beached themselves," their children would have died. Their children's children would have died. If such a huge event had happened, there would also be literal tons of essays and papers that have been written on such a catastrophic event, and various news and media reports. Where are these? If you did your research, you should be able to tell me where I can find them.

Let me tell you, your ideas are interesting, and I was actually impressed with what you were saying at first about a comet of prophecy. However, you immediately launched into a far-fetched, barely connected theory, coupled with your own un-researched ideas and opinions, along with what seems to be a collection of trivia that was haphazardly stringed together to form your beliefs.

If you'd kept it to yourself, I would have been absolutely fine with that. Believe what you want. But I can't abide by a spreading of misinformation to anyone else. I implore you to take an anthropology class. You have some good ideas but they have holes which are filled with myths and patent untruths.

"We only use 5 percent of our brains"

# ^ a b c "Do People Only Use 10 Percent Of Their Brains". Scientific American. 7 February 2008. <a href="http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=people-only-use-10-percent-of-brain">http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=p eople-only-use-10-percent-of-brain</a>. Retrieved 2008-02-07.

# ^ Chudler, Eric. "Myths About the Brain: 10 percent and Counting". Archived from the original on 2006-04-02. <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20060402235936/">http://web.archive.org/web/2006040223 5936/</a><a href="http://brainconnection.com/topics/?main=fa/brain-myth">http://brainconnection.com/topic s/?main=fa/brain-myth</a>. Retrieved 2006-04-12.

# ^ Kalat, J.W., Biological Psychology, sixth edition, Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 1998, p. 43.

# ^ a b c Beyerstein, Barry L. (1999). "Whence Cometh the Myth that We Only Use 10% of our Brains?". In Sergio Della Sala. Mind Myths: Exploring Popular Assumptions About the Mind and Brain. Wiley. pp. 3-24. ISBN 0-471-98303-9.

# ^ Swaminathan, Nikhil (29 April 2008). "Why Does the Brain Need So Much Power?". Scientific American. Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc.. <a href="http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=why-does-the-brain-need-s">http://www.scientificamerican.com/art icle.cfm?id=why-does-the-brain-need-s </a>. Retrieved 19 November 2010.

# ^ Rosenberg, K.R., 'The Evolution of Modern Childbirth' in American Journal of Physical Anthropology 35, 1992, p. 89-124.

# ^ "Neuroscience For Kids". Eric H. Chudler, Ph.d(University of Washington, Director of Education and Outreach). <a href="http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/tenper.html">http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler /tenper.html</a>.

# ^ Bahn, Christopher. "'Limitless' brainpower plot isn't all that crazy". <a href="http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/41953704/ns/today-entertainment/">http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/4195370 4/ns/today-entertainment/</a>. Retrieved 31 March 2011.

Interesting series.

I thought the video was pretty interesting. I always tend to stay both skeptical and hopeful. As I see it, either what you say is true or it's not and thus I will neither fully believe nor disbelieve! I admittedly do hope this is all true as it would mean that
aliens have ways to actually come to Earth and that we're not alone.

I'll certainly keep this stuff in mind at least <: And then time will tell if what you say is correct or not.

Next lesson i'm going to show you even more amazing proof about aliens! It's gonna be a show-stopper.

I'm going to Bookmark these pages, thanks for information.

It was a great video, and I'm anxious for the next. What will it be about? When will it come? ENLIGHTEN US! I absolutly love your vids, BTW. Keep it up! (I'd like to hear more about chi, chakras, and meditation.) Thank you!