So in december 2009, i thought of this idea for a game about a squirrel that gets chased by a dragon through the tops of a city. Now, a year and a half later, i give you: The Squirrel Game
No seriously, like i started this game THAT long ago. In that time, there were maybe 3 or 4 programmers who were like "yeah i'll do it!" and then within a few weeks of starting they all went "Awe i'm busy and can't" and had to bail. It sucked, but eventually this goddess Aaron who's known also as NegativeONE, the queen behind the fantastic Newgrounds Rumble - was talking to me on AIM and he was all "oh i can do it!" and so it was done. He took on the project and we worked on it over a few months on and off.
So yeah, I'm pretty excited about this finally being off my chest. I'm sure Aaron is too. You should go play it now, because if you don't, i'll kill you.
Bye! <3
It was an interesting game! I liked it. Thought it was very interesting :) Hope to see more by you man! Love your stuff!!