In the last little while, i've noticed that there's a huge, yet vastly divided community of independent media producers. On newgrounds we have artists, animators, programmers and musicians, all making really sexy content. Then you have the iPod and iPad app developers, and the Xbox Live arcade developers, and WiiWare people, and people making short films, and indie bands that are trying to work the myspace's.
Last night i started this community facebook group (and today, a twitter) called inD. I want to try and bring together all of these communities by reporting on, and discussing all of the aspects of the independent media going on's.
--In case it's not clear, my end goal is to have a type of internet magazine like the escapist, that reports on and discusses what's going on in the community, i'm not managing or telling anyone what to do--
In the coming holiday season, i'll try and focus on making a full escapist-esque website complete with forums, weekly blogs, news, previews, reviews, and the works, which i think would really push the site to be something worth checking out.
I've opened up a blog, for now, it's just Kalen (Jazlyte) and I writing articles for inD, but there will be more to come as the site evolves. Check out our articles on Blogger
Kalen wrote an article on Escapism in flash artists
I wrote an article on Flash as a medium and where it's going
If you're interested in seeing this idea go further, please join the facebook group and invite your friends and help spread the word, thanks.
Great idea, I love the name as well. I'll spread the word!