When one realizes that, at a quantum level, all things are interwoven together, they witness the tapestry of creation and behold its majesty. Those fortunate souls learn to recognize themselves in others, and come to know the Truth of who they are.
Newgrounds was the place where I first began my animation journey, and I will never forget the joyous experiences i've had here. From making friends, collaborating with other animators and programmers, and creating all kinds of content.
I will never forget how meaningful it was to me every time Tom front-paged one of my videos, or the experience of meeting the Newgrounds team at Pico Day in 2015. It was inspiring, even if at times a little chaotic 😉
Thank you Newgrounds, for creating a place which helped me to realize higher levels of personal growth.
Though I only rarely visit this place now, I wish everyone here continued joy and fun in their creative endeavours.
If you want to find me, follow me here: https://spiritverse.app
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