nice work on your latest spirit science, fun to listen to and entertaining as always.
also I didnt know you did the art for Return to Growth2.
you really did a great job on it,
Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨
Age 33, Male
The Mystery School of Life
Joined on 6/14/05
nice work on your latest spirit science, fun to listen to and entertaining as always.
also I didnt know you did the art for Return to Growth2.
you really did a great job on it,
Thanks Mindchamber! :)
i'm having trouble wrapping my head around some of the 'spirit physics' going on here -_O like all this magnetic field stuff. doesn't make sense to me lol
anyways revert to growth 2 looks awesome! did you do all the art in it?
Yep! Sure did :)
You don't really believe all the things you say in your newest animations right? It's like........30,000 different kinds of crazy.
Does it matter what I believe?
I think Jordan's trying to say he's Thoth into the 3rd dimension right now.
Did not say that at all!
Did you ever stop to think how the sheer existence of life, especially humans, and consciousness, is also 30,000 different kinds of crazy? Try to reflect on exactly what we are, the ridiculously perfect mechanics of the human body compared to the madness of raw physics right next to us, and how impossible it is to wrap your mind around reality actually existing. So, in the face of this, Jordan D's theories/stories/ideas don't seem quite as crazy anymore. In fact, they are comparatively more sane.
You didnt say that but it's what you meant!
It's funny because 'croire' is believe in french XD
Turtles can swim, and you prefer the astral projection planes.
I don't get it..
Wow. I love this game already!
This is a fantastic game!
loving the series, if anything its a great story. But I do have one question.. where do dinosaurs fit into all of this?
Just checked out your "Spirit Science: Human History" stuff and it's awesome.
Ok, I got one for ya... Riddle me this, Patchman: the ruling global elite supposedly thoroughly understand all this ancient geometry and spirituality and stuffs... and so supposedly realize that we're headed towards this mass enlightenment, correct? If so... why is there still all this orchestrated strife and suffering in the world? Hmm? Why is it, apparently, that there is still no end in sight of malevolent, imperialistic motivations of world governments? If we're going to be ascending together as a planet, why is there still this seeming attempt at a mass culling of the global population in line with objectives laid out in the Georgia Guidestones (supposedly high-level esoteric agenda bs)?? Mass institutionalized proliferation of prescription meds? The return to neo-feudalism through global economic fraud?? The hundred other criticisms of global elite agenda?? Hm?? If the ruling elite were truly benevolent, they would simplhy be organizing mass campire sing-alongs all day and night until we all reached enlightenment! What say ye to this?
Its to be understood, in most predictions, including that which has been in JD's videos here, that this madness will continue and even climax up to the very moment we transcend. Then everything settles and we quickly solve every problem we have ever had. Or start from scratch.
What actually startles me is the fact that reality is supposed to be the dream of a higher consciousness that we are part of. Yet for some reason we are a slave to these inexplicably unrestrained physics and no higher power anywhere has the ability to fix us all at once. We are, for some bizarre reason, forced to wait 13000 years.
@Short-Factor & JordanD
So hows about some words of advice at the beginning or end of each episode? Like stock up on guns and ammo and move to the stix until this blows over. Or everyone give a politician a bearhug today. Or whatever we should be doing in the interim. What advice have these 'ascended masters' conveyed? If all this is true, isn't there anything we can do to make the transition smoother? Either way, really interesting stuff... at least someone's putting forth some dialogue on the matter; keep up the good work! And for the rest of us, I sho's hope we's gong get 'tru dis in one piece!
You weren't addressing me there were you? I don't have any part in making Spirit Science. Furthermore, JD here is the expert on these matters, not me. I'm still asking him the trickiest questions he is for some reason not answering. Hm. Well there are still lots of more technical matters concerning the nature of the universe that I am well understood in.
i could swear today is monday -.-
I think he explained in his latest youtube video that he can't release SS 12_5 yet.
Just sent an email money transfer; keep up the good work! I was going to suggest you put a button on all your flashes for donations. Many artists have solicited donations for works of far lesser relevance. Maybe put a whole bunch of your previous slides together and send it in to a publisher as a children's book. What if it then became mandatory teaching in primary schools?? Wouldn't that be something??? In the meantime, keep it up!