Meh, it happens. Both of our teams did very good in the summer jam, but we have the lowest rated submissions now.
Everything is Connected. 🙏💛✨
Age 33, Male
The Mystery School of Life
Joined on 6/14/05
Meh, it happens. Both of our teams did very good in the summer jam, but we have the lowest rated submissions now.
I liked your game. Ross is pissed because ours got a higher score then yours. :D
I was, unfortunately, unable to participate in the Game Jam this time around. It's a sad thing for me; I at least wanted to try to keep the thing consistent.
Ah least the very first one ended up with a first place win under our belts. But (I know that people will be thinking "Well what the hell was he supposed to think of"), I was kind of disappointed with the themes thusfar. They all have to do with the weather going on around us (well, in the Northern Hemisphere of the world, anyway) rather than some random events that just may occur to someone.
But I shall leave my rant for some other person's comment section on their profile.
I thought I'd draw your attention to this: <a href=""> 23/imagejyw.jpg</a>
It was something a friend (of sorts) made. I'm sorry I didn't post it sooner.
Man, it has so much potential. It falls short because of the slippy controls, but good job, regardless.